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Patterns for Decentralised Organising - Milan

Patterns for Decentralised Organising - Milan
Patterns for Decentralised Organising - Milan

Time & Location

12 Jun 2018, 09:30 – 13:30

Location is TBD

About the event

Rich and Nati have been supporting non-hierarchical organisations for the last decade, co-founding Loomio (a tech co-op building software for collective decision-making) and Enspiral (a network of self-organising companies).

We spent 2017 travelling through 14 countries, meeting with all kinds of groups who are trying to work in a decentralised, collaborative, non hierarchical management structure. Co-ops, startups, NGOs, companies, activist networks and government departments.

We discovered that all these groups face common challenges when they remove the traditional command-and-control structure: How can we be inclusive without spending all our time in meetings? How do we deal with power imbalances? How do we prioritise what to work on? How do we develop an open collaborative culture? And where does accountability come from if there is no boss!?

In this workshop we'll share 10 collaboration patterns that have been proven to help groups overcome these challenges. We start with culture and relationships first, tools and processes second.

Most importantly, we don’t just tell people about participatory organizing, we practice it together, co-creating the workshop and learning by experience. You can bring real challenges that you are facing in your team, organisation, or collective and we'll work together to design solutions you can try immediately.

“Through these patterns I could see how my past adventures with non-hierarchical groups had fallen apart. It gave me new ideas to bring back to my own fledgling cooperative. I imagine that everyone in the room was experiencing a similar revelation; the uncovering of something known but also unnamed, the implicit patterns that are present in every group of humans, which so often are never identified, seemed here to be explicit, finally.” Continue reading...

Drew Hornbein, Good Good Work

To maximise accessibility, tickets are priced on a sliding scale, please choose accordingly to your financial circumstances. Spaces are limited. For more information contact us at


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