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Nati Lombardo

Born in Argentina, now based in Europe. Her background is in community development, permaculture and creative activism.

She has more than a decade of experience working in self-organising teams. As a facilitator, coach and consultant, she helps groups to cultivate a collaborative culture through behavioral change and peer-to-peer support.

She is a co-founder of The Hum, and member of the Enspiral network.

Richard D. Bartlett

He's enthusiastic about co-ownership, self-governance and building relationships of partnership instead of domination to create collaborative workplaces.

Cofounder of  The Hum and the Loomio coop, and Director of the Enspiral Foundation.

He has a unique way of seeing patterns and speaking about complexity in simple words.

Who We Are

There's a way of working together where everyone is supported to grow, teams are self-organising, and purpose is the organisational priority. Learning how to work in this way is not easy, it requires personal & collective change. Everyone at The Hum has years of experience working inside collaborative, purposeful and participatory organisations. 

Read more about each of us below.


Drew Hornbein

He believes in the world changing power of collaboration. He brings creative system thinking and playfulness to help teams align the way that collaborate with their highest purpose.

His lived experience spans over a decade working intimately within purpose driven activist, educational, and entrepreneurial organisations.

Drew lives in Denver, CO where he rides bikes and does hand poked tattoos.

Esra Tat

She is passionate about how humans collaborate and convinced that collective work creates good.

She has extensive experience working with NGOs and movements. She helps groups implement open governance and collaborative approaches.

Associate Director of Zero Waste Europe, Enspiral contributor, and Alumni OuiShare Connector.

Gui Trevisan

She is curious about experimenting, rethinking and finding more joyful and meaningful ways to be and work together. She has been learning
collaboration and co-creation throughout her life. She is passionate about helping groups in different environments. 

She co-founded The Village Free School; built and lived in multiple
intentional co-living projects and permaculture-based ecovillages around the world.

Helen Triggs

With more than 20 years experience working with charities and governmental departments, she has witnessed a variety of organisational dysfunction. She believes that by improving the experience of work, we can have a positive impact on society and the environment.

She is an experienced service design consultant, coach and facilitator, supporting people to bring more humanity to their workplace.

Jocelyn Ames

She is curious about the transformational potential of communities grounded in a culture of trust and compassion.

Her experience lies in supporting groups to deepen their capacity for personal and collective transformation in service of a world that works for all. She holds a deep faith in life’s impulse towards connection, belonging and becoming.

She is also a mediator and personal coach trained in Nonviolent Communication and Internal Family Systems, and Steward of the Cultural Catalyst Network

Jonas Gröner

Jonas is an ontological coach, community-builder, and facilitator strongly committed to the regenerative paradigm. He’s been working in self-organized contexts from permaculture farms to start-ups, co-ops, and non-profits for the past 8 years and is passionate about supporting people with a vision for a world that works for all life, to find ways of putting that vision into action by cultivating resilient relationships, networks and communities. He’s currently based in Vienna, Austria from where he likes to venture into the Alps to climb mountains or ride his bike.

Karl Steyaert

He is passionate about supporting people and groups to thrive, fulfil their highest potential, and contribute to the well-being of all life. Specialising in inner development, culture building, and conflict facilitation, he has over 25 years experience facilitating personal and collective transformation worldwide.

He is a certified Nonviolent Communication trainer, and is trained in Internal Family Systems and conflict mediation. He also founded the Cultural Catalyst Network.

Lana Jelenjev

With more than 20 years experience working with charities and governmental departments, she has witnessed a variety of organisational dysfunction. She believes that by improving the experience of work, we can have a positive impact on society and the environment.

She is an experienced service design consultant, coach and facilitator, supporting people to bring more humanity to their workplace.

Nicolas (Nicki) Endres

Nicki is interested in creating wholesome and transformative spaces - in ourselves, in our relationships and in our collaborations. After studying psychology, neuroscience and philosophy, he trained as a coach, mediator and agile manager. He currently teaches courses on regenerative teamwork, inner cultivation and community building and as a coach, trainer and mediator supports individuals, teams and organisations on their path towards new ways of relating, collaborating and being.

He co-founded and for three years co-directed the self-organised coworking community Imago Space in Berlin.

Sean Andrew

Sean is brought into his work through the potential of dialogue and unearthing ways of organizing that support connection, learning, and action. He designs, hosts, and facilitates transformative conflict, action-inquiry, collaborative governance and nature-based processes that are in service of people working on their most complex insidious questions.

He takes a relational and principles-based approach, centering living change through deciding what’s the next graceful step to seed the future we yearn to work, play and live into.

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